Each year, over 1,000 swine are shown by their exhibitors at the Wisconsin State Fair.
See swine in the Swine & Goat Barn or in the Compeer Financial Discovery Barnyard.
Read on below to learn more about swine terminology and the type of competitions they are shown in during their stay.

Swine at the Wisconsin State Fair

Quick Swine Facts
Key Swine Terminology
- Swine: the scientific name referring to animals in the pig family
- Boar: a mature male swine
- Sow: a mature female swine
- Piglet: a newborn swine
- Barrow: a young, castrated male swine
- Gilt: a young female swine
- Hog: a mature swine (usually weighing more than 120 pounds)
- Pig: a young swine (usually weighing less than 120 pounds)
- Sounder: related female and piglets in a group
- Drove: refers to a group of swine
Common Breeds Shown at State Fair
- Berkshire
- Chester White
- Duroc
- Hampshire
- Hereford
- Landrace
- Poland China
- Spotted
- Tamworth
- Yorkshire

Swine Event Descriptions
All swine shows are held in the Swine & Goat Barn Show Ring with the exception of the Grand Champion Market Drive on Aug. 7 held in the Coliseum. Click through the boxes below to see what happens in each of these judging events.