Poultry & Rabbit Palace

The Poultry & Rabbit Palace is a temporary structure that is home to over 800 rabbits and 800 poultry during the 11-day Fair.

Stop by during the first 6 days of the Fair to see all the furry and colorful rabbits and then come back during the last 5 days of the Fair to check out all our feathered friends.

Located in Ag Village on Wetley Way and Third Street.

Family Looking at Chickens in the Poultry & Rabbit Palace

Inside the Poultry & Rabbit Palace

Poultry Type Chicken

Animal Schedule

Rabbits and poultry will stay in the Poultry & Rabbit Palace as follows:

Aug. 1 Featuring Rabbits
10am: Junior Rabbit Showmanship
Aug. 2 Featuring Rabbits
9am: Junior Rabbit Show
3pm: Junior Rabbit Award Recognition
(closes at 3:15pm)
Aug. 3 Featuring Rabbits
11am: Open Rabbit Show
Aug. 4 Featuring Rabbits
9am: Open Rabbit Show
(closes at 4pm)
Aug. 5 Featuring Rabbits
9:30am: Rabbit Hopping Competition – High Jump
1pm: Rabbit Hopping Competition – Agility
4pm: Rabbit Hopping Competition – Long Jump
(closes at 6pm)
Aug. 6 Featuring Rabbits
9:30am: Rabbit Hopping Competition – Straight Line
2pm: Rabbit Hopping Competition – Team Relay
3:30pm: Rabbit Hopping Competition – Crooked Course
(closes at 6pm)
Aug. 7 Featuring Poultry
11am: Junior Poultry Showmanship
Aug. 8 Featuring Poultry
9am: Junior Large Fowl & Waterfowl Poultry Show
Aug. 9 Featuring Poultry
9am: Junior Turkeys, Bantams, Guineas, & Pigeons Poultry Show
3pm: Junior Poultry Award Recognition
(closes at 3pm)
Aug. 10 Featuring Poultry
2pm: Open Poultry & Waterfowl Show
Aug. 11 Featuring Poultry
9am: Open Pigeon Show
3pm: Open Poultry Award Recognition
(closes at 4pm)

The Poultry & Rabbit Palace is open daily from 10am – 9pm except where noted in the table above.

Rabbit Hopping Event

Show Ring Schedule

All rabbit events between Aug. 1-6 are held in the Poultry & Rabbit Palace Show Space and all poultry events between Aug. 7-11 are also held in the Poultry & Rabbit Show Space.

Stop by the Poultry & Rabbit Palace to see these events:

Aug. 1-4 Rabbit Shows
Aug. 5-6 Rabbit Hopping
Aug. 7-11 Poultry Shows

Not sure what happens in each of these competitions? Check out our Poultry and Rabbit animal pages to learn more about them while they stay at the Fair.

Please reference our daily schedule for exact event times.

Poultry and Rabbit Palace Exterior View

Where is the Poultry & Rabbit Palace?

The Poultry & Rabbit Palace is located in Ag Village off of Wetley Way.

Find the Poultry & Rabbit Palace on our State Fair Map!