Competitions for Amateurs
If you love to craft, sew, bake, cook, grow or any create DIY projects in your free time, check out our amateur competitions!
The Wisconsin State Fair hosts a variety of competitions for those who create for personal reasons, with no monetary compensation from any related source. Youth are encouraged to participate in all classes except where noted.
Commercial enterprises or businesses are not eligible to enter amateur contests, please see our Competitions for Professionals & Small Businesses page.
See below for all contests open to amateurs at Wisconsin State Fair.

State Fair Competitions for Amateurs
Amateur Beer
This contest includes over 100 classes for American, British, Belgian, German, and Specialty beers plus over 20 additional classes for Meads and Ciders.
Amateur Photography
Do you love to take pictures for fun or as part of a hobby? Then enter your best shots in the Amateur Photography Competition at the State Fair!
Amateur Wine
This contest includes over 20 classes for Dry, Semi-Sweet, and Sweet Wines plus special classes for Novelty, Sparkling and Fortified Wines.
Do you love baking and cooking for fun or as part of a hobby? Then enter your best recipes in the Culinary Competitions at the State Fair! Contests include canning, breads, cookies, pies, cakes, decorated cakes and culinary challenge!
Do you have a green thumb and love growing flowers or vegetables in your backyard for fun or as part of a hobby? Then enter your best blooms and veggies in the Horticulture Competition at the State Fair! Contests include amateur horticulture, dahlia, gladiolus, vegetable and society show challenges!
Do you love to make quilts for friends, family or as part of a hobby? The State Fair competition is the perfect place to show off your skills and earn prizes!
Textile & Craft
Do you love sewing, knitting, crocheting, DIY home décor or making crafts for fun or as part of a hobby? Then enter your best items in the Textile & Craft Competition at the State Fair!