Bratwurst Roll

Fresh Usinger’s bratwurst and a long list of garden-fresh herbs and spices are rolled in a flaky pastry.

Buffalo Burrito

Lean and delicious bison with cheese, fresh salsa, sour cream, pinto beans, and lettuce in a soft tortilla. For a gluten-friendly option, ask for a corn tortilla.

Bug Chow Mein

Bug Chow Mein is swarming with insects that’ll satisfy your bug craving! Teriyaki noodles are mixed with sauteed edible bugs like crickets, worms, ants, june bugs, and juicy Sago Worms. Served with soy sauce, duck sauce, and a fortune cookie for your dining pleasure.

Chicken Bacon Ranch Cheese Curd Taco

A flour tortilla layered with grilled chicken, bacon and lightly battered ranch-flavored cheese curds is all fried together until the shell is crispy and golden. Topped with fresh cut iceberg lettuce and ranch dressing.

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