Midwest Marketplace

Take a stroll through the Midwest Marketplace that offers custom-fitted toe rings, beach bags, handmade baskets, and more specialty items.

Located west of the Original Cream Puff Pavilion with entrances on First Street, Wetley Way, and Main Street.

Midwest Marketplace

Please Note:

This information has not yet been updated for 2024. Please check back throughout the spring and summer!

Shopping Vendors

Vendor Location
Akua’s Boutique Booths 31-33
Annie’s Pooch Pops Booths 1-2
Blaze Anti Fog Booths 6-7
BlueMoon Designs Booths 3-4
Cutco Cutlery Booths 9-10
Dallas Perfumes / Heaven Scent Booth 34
Hiawatha Woodworks Booths 37-38
Inty Crafts Booths 28-30
Island Feet Booths 39-40
Magnetdabbles Booth 8
Sage’s Aromatherapy & Oils Booths 23-24
Sandblasted Signs by Brenda Booths 21-22
Shea Du Mali Booths 25-26
Soldier Solutions Booths 17-18
Sun Comfort Booths 19-20
Tampa Bay Artwear Booths 11-14
Twisted Tinsel, LLC. Booth 5
Waz Shop Booths 35-36