Food & Beverage Sale and Distribution Request Form
All licensed exhibitors who are interested in selling or sampling food and beverage items during an event outside of the annual Wisconsin State Fair or Harvest Fair are required to complete the request form.
For vendors interested in being a part of the Wisconsin State Fair or Harvest Fair, please see our information on Becoming A State Fair Vendor.
Only items that do not directly compete with concession items will be considered.
Please see sampling guidelines below.
Food & Beverage Sale and Sampling Guidelines
Food and beverages are not allowed to be brought into or sold on the premises without the expressed written consent of Wisconsin State Fair Park.
Sale of these items and/or distribution of sample-sized food and beverages may be allowed with prior approval.
Sample sizes are limited to (1) ounce for beverages and (2) ounces for food products, and distribution will be limited to (1) each of food and beverage per booth.
Food and beverage items for sale must be priced at $10 or higher.
All persons who prepare food for the public must comply with applicable health codes.
Events that arrange food and/or beverage donations to charity groups are responsible for removing all such items from the premises upon expiration of the License.