Attendee Resources
Attending an event at Wisconsin State Fair Park?
Most events at State Fair Park are planned and hosted by third-party event organizers at our facilities, and event details change depending upon the type of event, location on our grounds, and event purpose.
Please see our event attendee resource below to help answer any questions you may have.

Resources for Event Attendees
Wisconsin State Fair Park is committed to accessibility on the grounds and to our facilities. It is our hope that this information is of assistance when visiting activities and events at State Fair Park, providing for a more enjoyable and pleasant experience.
Attendee FAQ
Check out the answers to our most frequently asked questions about attending events held at Wisconsin State Fair Park year-round.
Safe Clean Fun Initiative
Wisconsin State Fair Park has always put the safety and experience of our customers at the forefront of our decision making. The public can feel confident to enter our buildings with the knowledge that we have done all we can to assess the risks of communicable diseases and mitigate those risks by way of increased cleaning and disinfection practices in accordance with our current federal, state, and local guidelines.