Racing Animals

Ducks wearing different colored shirts race to the finish line as a crowed packing the bleachers cheers them on.

Brand-new to Harvest Fair, Racing Animals are making an appearance!

You’ll see goats, ducks, and pigs run as fast as they can in this exciting attraction that’ll have you on your feet cheering for each round of races.

Located on Sue Wetley Court.

Show Schedule

Friday, September 27

5:30pmRacing Animals
7:00pmRacing Animals

Saturday, September 28

10:30amRacing Animals
12:00pmRacing Animals
2:00pmRacing Animals
4:00pmRacing Animals
7:00pmRacing Animals

Sunday, September 29

10:30amRacing Animals
12:00pmRacing Animals
2:00pmRacing Animals
4:00pmRacing Animals