Harvest Fair Admission

As the annual Harvest Fair comes up on its 32nd year, the event continues to grow and evolve within our community.
ADMISSION: $5 admission for 12+ | FREE for 11 & under | Tickets available here.
Harvest Fair has a $5 admission fee to continue to produce a high-quality, fun-filled, and safe event. In an effort to keep this event affordable for families, all attendees 11 and under will get free admission to the fall event. We understand that this will affect how you experience Harvest Fair, and we appreciate this community helping grow such an amazing event over three decades.
Cash, credit, and debit cards will be accepted at the admission entrances.
Admission & Entrance Policies
All patrons and possessions are subject to search and will pass through metal detection upon entering the State Fair Park. Any prohibited items will be confiscated by Public Safety and will not be returned.
Fairgoers seventeen (17) years of age and under must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian (age 21+) to enter Wisconsin State Fair Park beginning at 5pm each day of Harvest Fair. Each parent or guardian may only chaperone up to six (6) minors per day.
State Fair Park staff reserves the right to request a VALID PHOTO ID with proof of age from any adult chaperoning minors once the Youth Admission Policy is in place. Adult chaperones MUST remain at the Fair Park at all times when the Youth Admission Policy is in place.
State Fair Park staff reserves the right to remove any unaccompanied minors from State Fair Park when Youth Admission Policy is in place. The State Fair Park CEO/Executive Director and the Chief of Police reserve the right to enact changes to this policy at any time.
Persons entering the facility assume all risks incidental to the event. State Fair Park Officials reserve the right to refuse admission or eject any person violating any law, rule, or policy. Wisconsin State Fair Park is not responsible for fire, theft, damage, or loss of vehicle including articles left within.
Persons entering State Fair Park are prohibited from wearing any mask, gaiter, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered WITH THE INTENT TO CONCEAL THE IDENTITY OF THE WEARER. This policy shall not apply to persons wearing a mask or other device for medical reasons; persons engaged in professions, trades, or employment in which wearing protective masks are deemed necessary for the physical safety of the wearer; persons engaged in a legitimate theatrical production; persons wearing a covering for religious practices; or a declaration by the Governor that recommends face coverings in response to a public health emergency.
Persons grant permission to have their image and/or likeness reproduced for Fair and Sponsor promotional and/or advertising purposes and/or by the media in photography or broadcasts of any nature. Shirts and shoes are required to be worn at all times. Smoking is not allowed in indoor facilities or the Main Stage area, including e-cigarettes. Acts, events, and show times are subject to change. All events are rain or shine. The State Fair Park Board reserves the right to enact policy changes at any time.